apollo health


IPL in Gig Harbor, WA


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) laser skin treatments are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to safely and effectively rejuvenate the skin. Apollo Health is an experienced provider of this treatment that can help improve skin texture, reduce wrinkles, sun damage, acne scars and uneven pigmentation. IPL treatments use a broad spectrum of light to target problem areas without damaging the surrounding skin.

IPL is a great option for those looking to reduce signs of aging and acne. The treatments can improve texture, tone, color and overall health of the skin with very minimal downtime and recovery period. Those interested in IPL should schedule a consultation with Apollo Health ahead of time to determine if they are good candidates for the treatment. Generally speaking, this treatment is most effective on those with lighter skin tones and minimal sun exposure.

At Apollo Health, IPL laser treatments are administered by certified professionals who understand the importance of safety and precision. Patients can expect to experience little to no discomfort during their treatment due to the cooling technology used in our lasers. Most patients describe a mild tingling sensation as the heat is released. The light pulses precisely target problem areas to stimulate collagen production and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, or other skin imperfections.

The benefits of IPL laser treatment at Apollo Health are numerous. Patients can expect to see an improvement in their overall complexion within a few weeks post-treatment with continued improvement up to 3-6 months following the procedure. Results are long-lasting with proper maintenance such as sun protection, healthy lifestyle habits and regular skin care treatments. Furthermore, this treatment is non-invasive so there is no need for recovery time which makes it a great option for those looking to quickly improve the look of their skin.

ipl faqs

What areas can be treated with IPL?

IPL can treat a variety of skin concerns such as sun damage, wrinkles, age spots, discoloration, acne scars and uneven pigmentation. It is most effective on lighter skin tones.

Is the treatment painful?

Most patients describe the treatment as feeling like a mild tingling sensation. We use cooling technology during the treatment to ensure minimal discomfort so you can expect a comfortable experience overall.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can be seen within a few weeks post-treatment with continued improvement up to 3-6 months following the procedure. Long-lasting results depend on proper maintenance such as sun protection and regular skin care treatments.

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