apollo health

PRF/ez gel

PRF/EzGel in Gig Harbor, WA

pRf/ez gel

EzGel is a groundbreaking autologous filler derived from the patient's own blood. It offers an alternative to traditional dermal HA fillers, which can cause adverse reactions or complications in some patients. Unlike other autologous fillers that utilize fat or platelet-rich plasma, EzGel utilizes blood as its main ingredient. This means that it is biocompatible and offers a safe, reliable way to achieve dermal facial fillers’ effects.

It can be used to treat various conditions, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, or facial scars. It is highly effective for any of these treatments because it revitalizes the area with proteins found in the patient’s own blood. This gives it a natural look and feel that is not achievable with dermal HA fillers.

This filler also offers some unique advantages over traditional dermal HA fillers. It is a safe, natural alternative that can produce long-lasting results without the risk of adverse reactions or complications. Additionally, EzGel is not painful or expensive like other autologous fillers, and requires only one injection for maximum results.

EzGel is also extremely easy to use. It can be injected into the desired area with little pain and discomfort, and takes just a few minutes to perform. This makes it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a natural solution to their aging skin.

Overall, EzGel is a revolutionary autologous filler that offers superior results with little to no risk of adverse reactions or complications. It can be used to effectively treat a variety of conditions ranging from sagging skin to wrinkles and scars. Additionally, it requires less time and money than traditional dermal HA fillers and provides natural-looking results that are unrivaled by any other product. If you’re looking for a safe, effective way to combat the signs of aging, EzGel is the perfect choice.

prf/ezgel faqs

What is EzGel?

EzGel is a natural blood-derived autologous filler, which can be used to achieve the same effects as dermal HA fillers. It utilizes proteins found in the patient’s own blood to revitalize and restore areas of the face, providing long-lasting results without the risk of adverse reactions or complications.

How is EzGel different from traditional dermal HA filler?

Unlike traditional dermal HA fillers, EzGel is a biocompatible autologous filler derived from the patient’s own blood. This means that it produces natural-looking results without the risk of adverse reactions or complications. It also requires less time and money to use, and just one injection for maximum results.

What can EzGel be used for?

EzGel can be used to treat various conditions, such as sagging skin, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, or facial scars. It is highly effective for any of these treatments because it revitalizes the area with proteins found in the patient’s own blood. This gives it a natural look and feel that is not achievable with dermal HA fillers.

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