apollo health

Vascular Lesion/Vein Reduction

Vascular Lesion/Vein Reduction in Gig Harbor, WA

Vascular Lesion/Vein Reduction

Laser vein removal is a safe and effective procedure for treating spider veins, varicose veins, and other visible vascular lesions. Using advanced laser technology, it works to reduce the appearance of these unwanted veins on the legs, face or body without the need for surgery.

The procedure begins with an evaluation of the area to be treated to determine the best approach for treating the veins. The area is then prepped with a numbing cream and covered with protective eyewear to protect your eyes from the laser light. The laser is then applied in short pulses that target the unwanted vessels, causing them to close off and be absorbed back into your body.

The benefits of laser vein removal include: minimally invasive procedure; no need for anesthesia or incisions; quick recovery time; minimal discomfort and side effects; improved appearance of the skin with fewer visible veins; and a long-lasting result.

Good candidates for laser vein removal include people who are looking to reduce the appearance of spider, varicose, or other vascular lesions on their legs, face, or body. It is also suitable for people with skin types I-IV who have no underlying medical conditions that could impact the results. Patients should also be in good health and maintain realistic expectations about their treatment results.

In addition to treating visible veins, laser vein removal can help reduce discomfort associated with these veins, such as aching or swelling. The procedure is an excellent choice for those looking for a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of their skin.

Finally, laser vein removal is typically well-tolerated and can be tailored to meet each individual’s needs. Patients should consult with Apollo Health to determine whether this procedure is right for them and go over any risks or side effects associated with it. With proper care, patients can enjoy improved skin appearance with fewer visible veins.

laser vein removal faqs

Is laser vein removal painful?

No, most patients don't experience any pain during the procedure. The area will be prepped with a numbing cream and protective eyewear prior to treatment to minimize any discomfort.

How long does laser vein removal take?

Laser vein removal sessions typically last from 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

What results can be expected after laser vein removal?

Patients can expect to see a reduction in the appearance of spider veins, varicose veins and other visible vascular lesions with fewer visible vessels on their skin. Results may vary by individual, but many patients see an improvement in their skin’s appearance after the procedure.

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